With services like Wix making builidng websites easier the amount of interest in these types of services has grown massively over the years. Just how good is Wix? Can it beat WordPress for the typical small business? Would we ever build a website using Wix? Keep reading to find out more! A bit of history …Read more.
When we started building websites, we didn’t have much time for WordPress. 100% of our website builds were 100% bespoke. One problem we kept coming to was that… developing bespoke features comes at a price. Plugins There are over 50,000 plugins for WordPress. Free, paid, free with paid extras. That’s 50,000 plugins that could possibly …Read more.
As of the 26th of November PHP 8 is available. We won’t be using it on our servers, at least for a short while. PHP 7.4 (the latest supported version and the version we run) will be supported well into 2022. This allows plenty of time for testing. What is WHM? How will we test …Read more.
On many occasions we have seen websites with poor loading times. Sometimes this is down to poor server performance, poor and big javascript files. Other times it’s simply down to images not being optimised. There are ways of making sure your images are right for the web! Sizing If you use WordPress or a CMS …Read more.
After a quiet-ish April we found May to be one of our busiest months to date. We weren’t able to put out a blog post (with the aim of doing at least 1 per month) because this would have taken away too much time from getting projects complete. One big reason we’ve found though with …Read more.
Please note this guide for Microsoft To Do will only work on Windows 2021 Update – YouTube Video Added Like many businesses, we use Microsoft To Do. If you haven’t heard of it or used it yet, it’s a great little app that allows you to create tasks, lists of tasks, set deadlines, reminders, etc… …Read more.
With the current COVID-19 crisis happening across the globe, many people are being forced to work from home. Some small business owners do this already and big businesses also have staff work from home too. For those that are new to it, you may have noticed some struggles. Even the people doing it for years …Read more.
Building websites for businesses we often need to receive a large amount of files with a range of sizes. Instead of using email to do this, we try to use SharePoint. We pay to have Office 365 for Business so why not use it? What is SharePoint? As taken from Wikipedia “SharePoint is a …Read more.
Unsurprisingly not many people know what web hosting is. Specifically non “techy” people. Hopefully after this article you should know a bit more about website hosting and the different technologies used for hosting a website. Most importantly what web hosting is. There is something that needs to be cleared up before anything. In case you …Read more.
Since starting up we have grown from 0 likes to just over a massive 300 (that was sarcasm by the way…). This isn’t massive but we provide websites to businesses. It would probably be easier if we were providing services to the public rather than businesses. It’s just the way it is. Since we started …Read more.