How to setup geo-targeted landing pages

Posted on 6 January 2022

Geo-targeted landing pages are pages setup specifically for gaining traffic from traffic from people in specific physical areas searching for keywords relating to your business.

There are many reasons why a business might want to use geo-targeted ladning pages. These include:

  • Businesses that work remotely
  • Businesses between two cities, towns, etc
  • Businesses with multiple physical sites

For SEO and usability it’s virtal you setup your geo-targeted landing pages, if that’s what you’re planning to do.

Duplicate Content

You don’t want duplicate content. If your London and Liverpool pages have exactly the same content. You may even find Google hides one and show the other (or worse). If you’ve got multiple physical addresses with different contact details, you should show a different phone number, email address and street address at least. If you can create completely unique content for each site then even better!

You may even find this helps you ride out Google updates (although not completely bullet proof) and the reason for this is that if Google puts an update out, content on one page could end up being seen better than the other. This could be to do with LSI, keyword density, word count, etc.


Internal links are something you absolutely must do. You need to link to your geo-targeted pages. One solution could be from your footer. Or maybe a physical map that links to different areas. You should also think about external links, yes the site as a whole will have authority but pages also have individual weighting with regards to authority.

Try not to setup pages that will get little clicks

You may be tempted to create pages for every little area near you. The biggest problem with this is if you don’t get a sinlge click, it’s all wasted time creating unique content and putting the pages together. One way you can get around this is to use Google Ads Keyword planner. From here you can create a new plan and enter a list of searches – for example:

Plumbing in %area1%

Plumbing in %area2%

Plumbing in %area3%

This will then give you the Google ads cost per click amounts but more importantly the volume of traffic. You could even use this as an oppurtunity to create the geo-targeted landing pages for your areas that get the most searches for you product or service.

Good luck with your geo-targeted pages!

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