Facebook Advertising: Lead Forms vs. Custom Landing Pages

Posted on 23 May 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, Facebook advertising remains a cornerstone for businesses looking to engage with a vast audience. Two popular methods for capturing leads on Facebook are Lead Forms and Custom Landing Pages. Each approach has its distinct advantages and can be more suitable depending on the specific goals and context of the advertising campaign. This article delves into the nuances of both methods to help marketers make informed decisions.

Lead Forms

Overview: Facebook Lead Forms, also known as Lead Ads, allow users to submit their contact information directly within the Facebook platform. These forms are pre-filled with information from the user’s profile, making the process quick and seamless.


  1. Ease of Use: Lead Forms are designed for simplicity. Users can complete the form without leaving Facebook, reducing the friction and time involved in the process. This ease of use often results in higher conversion rates.
  2. Mobile Optimisation: Since a significant portion of Facebook users access the platform via mobile devices, Lead Forms are optimised for mobile use. The forms load quickly and are easy to complete on smaller screens.
  3. Pre-filled Information: Facebook can pre-fill the forms with information users have already provided to the platform, such as their name and email address. This reduces the effort required from the user and increases the likelihood of form submission.
  4. Integration with CRM Systems: Lead Forms can be integrated with customer relationship management (CRM) systems, allowing businesses to automatically import and manage the collected data.


  1. Limited Design and Branding: Lead Forms offer limited customisation options compared to custom landing pages. Businesses have less control over the visual and branding elements, which might affect the user experience and perception.
  2. Lower Intent Quality: The ease of form submission can sometimes result in lower quality leads. Users might fill out the form without much consideration, leading to higher drop-off rates during the follow-up process.
  3. Our Experience: In our own tests, although the cost per lead (CPL) for Facebook Lead Forms was much lower, 9 times out of 10, the leads were of poor quality. We frequently encountered issues such as no answer, no email response, or the leads not remembering filling out the form and not being interested in our services.

Custom Landing Pages

Overview: Custom Landing Pages are standalone web pages specifically designed to capture leads. These pages are typically hosted on the advertiser’s website and offer extensive customisation options for both design and content.


  1. Full Control and Customisation: With custom landing pages, businesses have complete control over the design, content, and user experience. This allows for a highly branded and tailored approach to lead generation.
  2. Enhanced Analytics: Custom landing pages can be integrated with advanced analytics tools, providing deeper insights into user behaviour and campaign performance. Marketers can track metrics such as bounce rate, time on page, and conversion pathways.
  3. Higher Intent Quality: Users who navigate to a custom landing page and fill out a form are often more engaged and interested in the offer. This typically results in higher quality leads with a greater likelihood of conversion.
  4. Flexibility in Content: Custom landing pages allow for the inclusion of various content types, such as videos, testimonials, and detailed descriptions, which can help persuade users to convert.


  1. Higher Development Costs: Creating and maintaining custom landing pages can be resource-intensive. This approach requires design and development skills, as well as ongoing maintenance to ensure optimal performance.
  2. Potential Drop-off Rates: Users must leave Facebook to visit a custom landing page, which introduces an additional step in the conversion process. This can lead to higher drop-off rates if the page does not load quickly or fails to engage the user.


Choosing between Facebook Lead Forms and Custom Landing Pages depends largely on the specific goals, resources, and context of the advertising campaign. Lead Forms are ideal for quick and easy lead capture, especially on mobile devices, and for businesses looking to simplify the user experience. Custom Landing Pages, on the other hand, offer greater control over the user journey and are better suited for campaigns that require a more personalised and branded approach.

Ultimately, the decision should be guided by the target audience’s behaviour, the nature of the offering, and the overall marketing strategy. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each method, marketers can optimise their Facebook advertising efforts to generate high-quality leads and achieve their business objectives.

Our Services

We design and build custom landing pages starting from just £100, tailored to help convert clicks into leads. With our expertise, you can ensure that your landing page is not only visually appealing but also effective in capturing high-quality leads. Contact us today to elevate your lead generation strategy.

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