10 Reasons Why WebP Beats PNG

Posted on 16 February 2023

When it comes to image formats on the web, PNG has long been a popular choice. However, in recent years, a new contender has emerged: WebP. Developed by Google, WebP is a modern image format that offers a number of advantages over PNG. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at WebP and explore 10 reasons why it beats PNG.

1. Smaller File Sizes

One of the most significant advantages of WebP over PNG is its smaller file sizes. This is because WebP uses a more efficient compression algorithm that can achieve better compression rates than PNG, especially for images with a lot of detail or large areas of flat color. As a result, WebP images load faster and consume less bandwidth, making them ideal for use on the web.

2. Better Image Quality

Despite its smaller file sizes, WebP is able to maintain a high level of image quality. This is because it uses a sophisticated compression algorithm that is able to preserve more of the original image data than PNG. This means that WebP images are sharper, more detailed, and have fewer compression artifacts than their PNG counterparts.

3. Support for Animation

While PNG can be used to create simple animations, it doesn’t offer the same level of support for animation as WebP. WebP allows for more complex animations with support for both lossy and lossless animation, as well as alpha transparency. This makes it an ideal format for creating animated web content, such as banner ads or animated illustrations.

4. Smoother Transitions

WebP is able to achieve smoother transitions in images with gradients or other subtle color changes. This is because it uses a compression algorithm that is better suited for handling color transitions. In contrast, PNG can sometimes produce banding or other visual artifacts when compressing images with subtle color changes.

5. Improved Browser Compatibility

WebP has been gaining wider support from browsers in recent years, which means it’s becoming more accessible for web developers to use. While most modern browsers support WebP, some older browsers may not. However, the WebP format can be used in conjunction with fallbacks, such as PNG or JPEG, to ensure that images are viewable across a wide range of devices and browsers.

6. Better Transparency

WebP offers better transparency than PNG thanks to its use of an alpha channel. This allows for more detailed and precise transparency effects, such as semi-transparent gradients or smooth drop shadows. In contrast, PNG’s transparency is limited to a single alpha channel, which can sometimes result in jagged or rough edges around transparent areas.

7. Greater Compatibility with WebP-Supported Applications

WebP is supported by a growing number of applications, including image editors, browsers, and other software. This means that if you’re using an application that supports WebP, you’ll be able to work with these files directly without the need for additional conversion or exporting steps. This can save time and streamline your workflow.

8. Improved Performance

WebP’s smaller file sizes and better compression rates can lead to improved performance on the web. This is because images that load faster and consume less bandwidth can improve overall page load times, which is crucial for providing a good user experience. In addition, WebP’s support for lossy and lossless compression modes means that web developers can choose the appropriate level of image quality and file size based on their needs, which can further improve overall page performance.

9. Better Handling of Large Images

WebP is better equipped to handle large images than PNG, especially when it comes to compressing images with a lot of detail. This is because WebP uses a compression algorithm that is designed to handle large images more efficiently, resulting in smaller file sizes and faster loading times. For web developers working with high-resolution images, WebP can be a more practical and effective solution than PNG.

10. Future-Proofing Your Web Content

As the web continues to evolve, new technologies and standards are constantly being developed. By adopting WebP as your primary image format, you’re future-proofing your web content to some extent. WebP is a modern image format that is designed to be compatible with future web standards and technologies, which means it’s less likely to become outdated or obsolete in the years to come.


WebP is a powerful and versatile image format that offers a number of advantages over PNG. From smaller file sizes and better image quality to support for animation and smoother transitions, WebP is quickly becoming the go-to image format for web developers. With wider support from browsers and growing compatibility with applications, WebP is a format that you should definitely consider for your web projects.

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